Two of the white people that will probably kneel during the National anthem has decided to link up for a track called, ‘Revenge’.
I really like this song guys! It has this pop/reggae/rebellious sound to it that is highly enjoyable to listen to.
Pink has always been this witty character when she’s makes music, so I’m not surprised by her lovable persona on this song. You get nothing but cool vibes from her, as she doesn’t mind being brash, spiteful, and quite frankly, petty.
Eminem doesn’t fit this song one bit, but both his lyrical ability and bi-polarness always make for an interesting listen on songs like these. His part is nothing short of cartoonish, as he goes on one of those epic soliloquies that make you think he needs Joel Osteen in his life.
I’m all for revenge guys! The first one to get it is these damn Hanes underwear’s that keep ripping.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.