I wanna hear the disciples clap back to this song.
Listen, sexists of the world, I know the title might have you peeved, but after listening to this absolute gem, I promise that your anger will subside. The song starts off with this disclaimer (of sorts) in which Ariana lets her man know that she can make him believe in anything after spending a night with her. From there, the tune turns into this trunk rattling/bass boomin’ banger that has our hero bragging about her sex game through some very sensual lyrics. As expected, Ariana’s vocals are amazing on the track, but I was mostly impressed with her sass!
She hasn’t quite made me believe God was a women with this song, but I definitely believe Michael Jordan might be a female now!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.