I pray to God for dance moves like the ones Edem Meier Akapo has on the music video to this song.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: Feel-good music can fix anything in this world! After listening to “Long Wave,” I guarantee that you will understand where I’m coming from with those sentiments. Powered by a lively instrumental that features some electrifying guitar play (Performed by Adam Wendler), astute drumming (Performed By Matt Varey) and earth-shattering bass (Performed by Anthony Strome), our lead artist lets loose, providing us with wisdom galore about the relentlessness we should all have inside of us when it comes to living life. The melody he is able to deliver is beyond addictive, and his lyrical content is both touching and inspiring. I definitely got the chills listening to this track.
I think you will love everything about “Long Wave” and its accompanying music video.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.