“Alive” is from Victoria’s “Wasted Talent” EP.
I absolutely love Victoria Celestine’s artistry. I feel like she typically gives it her all when she sings, maneuvering her voice in ways that truly showcase her surefire emotions. In “Alive,” those sentiments truly stand out.
“Alive” allows Victoria a chance to talk about an enchanting relationship she was once in that sorta lost its luster as time passed. I love how truthful/open she is about the topic at hand, navigating through the instrumental legitimately sounding like someone who wants that feeling of liveliness her partner was once able to give to her. If you are in a relationship that might be going through some turmoil, I think this song’s message will give you hope that there is a chance that things can eventually work out between you and your lover.
Make sure you check out Victoria Celestine’s “Wasted Talent” EP!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.