I can never say no to a passionate Hip-Hop/R&B joint like this!
Jonah Melvon is a well-seasoned musician from Oakland, California that does everything from sing pleasantly to rap fearlessly. In his latest album, “Rain Water Project,” he drops nothing but quality hits that hip-hop fans everywhere would truly appreciate. One of my favorite tracks from it is “What’s Good For You.”
“What’s Good For You” is soulful, passionate, hard-hitting and truly authentic. It is powered by this bass-boomin’/lively instrumental that does a great job of testing your speaker system’s total capacity. Over this instrumental, both Jonah Melvon & featured guest Adesha provide nothing but cold-hard wisdom, laying down heartfelt vocals and well-focused rap bars, respectively. What I love most about the track are the many different styles Melvon raps with on his verses, the topics he covers throughout (He touches on everything from his come-up in the Golden State to his intent on being the best version of himself) and Adesha’s unbelievable harmonizing on the hook.
I needed some inspirational s**t like this today!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.