Only one word can describe “Storyville”: Timeless-sounding! (I know, that’s kind-of two words, but who cares!)
The Jorgensens are a two-person band that features Kurt and Briana Jorgensen — a duo that are connected through creativity and an everlasting friendship (That ultimately led to a romantic relationship). In “Storyville,” their latest single, Kurt and Briana seek refuge in New Orleans, welcoming good food a place they can get their groove on!
To say I love this song would be the biggest understatement this planet has heard since that one sports commentator called Michael Jordan a ‘good player.’ Seriously, “Storyville” is charming, it’s laid-back, the writing on it is beautiful, the chemistry between both Kurt and Brianna is outstanding, and last but not least, the vocal performances you get from both singers on their respective contributions is damn-there jaw-dropping. Every moment of this song had me glued to my seat and wishing I could take an uber pool with the band to Storyville.
Trust me, if you are in the mood for pure/refreshing music, give the soulful “Storyville” a shot!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.