Hunter Moreau
RGM RATING (??????????)
A haunting, hypnotic pop single.
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts native, Hunter Moreau, is a rising indie-pop artist with a captivating background. Since her debut back in 2019, she’s created plenty of buzz on the scene. With a long-standing passion for music, Moreau grew up taking voice lessons and joined a community service singing troupe at 12 years old. So, when it comes to style, her work incorporates a mixture of indie, pop, and soul from her past teachings. Hunter’s website displays these with a hip, cool layout, and her Instagram serves the same purpose. Meanwhile, her Spotify keeps us updated on her music itself. Moreau’s latest release is the pop single “Sleepyhead” and its accompanying video.
In a recent interview, the artist claims about her new single; “I was trying to capture the idea that your mind can seem like this crazy, scary thing that you can’t control, but it really is something you built yourself, based on your own ways of thinking.” In addition to introspective exploration, “Sleepyhead” will delight electro-pop lovers with an atmospheric blend of instrumentals. As well as having these, the song is accompanied by gorgeous vocals. Lyrics like “I built myself a little house of tricks/With a clock on the wall that always ticks” and “Always stuck in the same routines/Why is nothing ever the way it seems?” give an air of sleep-filled uncertainty alongside the title. Moreau’s “Sleepyhead” is a dreamy experience you shouldn’t miss. So, press play to escape into an enchanting pop wonderland.
Chicago based writer and creative. Fan of 80’s horror, fancy coffee drinks, and late night drives.