Thomas Day Talks Ugly Truths In “Bonnie & Clyde”

Bonnie & Clyde song cover

Bonnie & Clyde

Thomas Day

RGM RATING (????????)

A slow pop song with a dark side and a new twist on classics.

Thomas Day was a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent in 2020. This, along with producing some trivial TikTok videos has helped him gain some fans. Day jokes that his “whole life is a breakup song,” and his music reflects it. Through his songwriting, he is able to process and understand his feelings, making him a relatable musician to listeners. He takes inspiration from pop singers such as Sam Smith and Bruno Mars. He only started releasing music on streaming platforms last year but already brags millions of streams on Spotify, Instagram, and his own website. Thomas Day’s newest song is the slow pop hit, “Bonnie & Clyde.”

“Bonnie and Clyde” brings forward a Romeo and Juliet romance. However, the song also holds a darker side with twisted verses. Lyrics like “We’re like Bonnie and Clyde / Our love is straight suicide” tip us towards the edge of danger; it’s perfectly in tune with the familiar duo’s antics. Both the lyrics and the melody take strong inspiration from Day’s influences, creating the old-new pop mix. Day has revealed his feelings here; he shows that he is not afraid to talk about some ugly truths. So, stream Thomas Day’s “Bonnie & Clyde” today to dive into this Gen Z version of an old classic.

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