julianne Offers a Soothing Cover of “Free”



RGM RATING (????????)

A vibrant, folksy alternative gem with a hopeful sense.

Florida-based musical creative, julianne, is a singer-songwriter who comes across as both passionate and genuine. In addition to her musical journey, julianne also practices yoga, goes on wild adventures, and promotes healthy living with her brand loveyourhumansuit. She likes to highlight the importance of discovering true happiness that exists within the soul; as a result, you can tell that she has found selfless joy in her own life doing so. julianne’s music is available on many platforms, including Spotify, YouTube, and Instagram. Her latest release is the single “Free,” a cover of a Zac Brown Band song with the same name.

julianne’s cover of “Free” sets a soothing tone with a lighthearted acoustic guitar. It gives us country vibes and reminds us of the Indigo Girls’ music with its feelings of intimacy. Lyrics like “We’ll drive until the city lights / Dissolve into a country sky” and “Lay underneath the Harvest moon / Do all the things that lovers do / Just me and you” offer a sweet and adventurous romantic reflection. This beautifully compliments the meditative soundscape julianne creates in the background. This song is a breath of fresh air that exudes the ethereal bliss everyone wants to find. So, press play on julianne’s “Free” to feed your inner wanderlust with an immersive mini-escape.


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Austin Martin somehow thought Chingy would fit this song perfectly, and he guessed right.

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