Anna Curreen Claims She’s “Not Jealous”

Not Jealous

Anna Curreen

An alternative gem with soul and pop elements.

Atlanta, Georgia-based musical creative, Anna Curreen, is a rising singer and songwriter who crafts hypnotic tunes. The Louisville, Kentucky native’s unique style is self-described as “indie soul-pop.” Curreen’s previous releases include songs such as “Affirmation” and “Compassion.” You can find her tracks on Spotify, YouTube, and her own website. According to the artist, her new tune “was written to convey heavy feelings of jealousy and the emptiness that often comes along with that, in a light-hearted way.” Anna Curreen’s latest single is the alternative piece “Not Jealous.”

“Not Jealous” may classify as alternative, but the soul and slow pop elements that inspired it are still heavily present. In the track, the artist explains her envious feelings toward her friend. Lyrics like “I bet she’d be their muse. Inspire albums; they’d write songs about her hair, face, lips, tattoos” and “They build her a throne to worship at her feet; what kind of friend am I? I never felt so mean” unapologetically address Carreen’s inner angst. However, it addresses the worry of being a bad friend at the same time. Despite its context, the single’s lighthearted sense keeps the track from ever feeling too petty; instead, it allows listeners to reflect on relatable struggles without any judgment. So, stream Anna Curreen’s “Not Jealous” today to understand your own inner turmoil so that you can learn how to properly feel.

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Austin Martin somehow thought Chingy would fit this song perfectly, and he guessed right.

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