Out My Mind
A R&B hit with elements of pop, rap, and trap.
Pittsburgh musical creative, Gray, is a singer-songwriter who fuses elements of trap and new-age R&B. This combination creates “dark and brooding atmospheres topped with visceral lyricism.” Gray has been perfecting his sound since his early teens, which led to the creation of his unique style in his early adulthood. Some of his previous releases include the well-received singles “Need To Know,” “On&Off,” and “Wasting My Time.” Gray’s newest single is the enchanting mix, “Out of My Mind” featuring HRTBRKFEVER.
Stylishly welded R&B doesn’t begin to cover “Out of My Mind.” Instead, we’d prefer words like pop-filled, rap-inducing, and unique. But this song isn’t just here to sound pretty; it also has a heavy message. It discusses the reality of living by presenting the challenges given to the writer. Lyrics like “Playing with money for keeps. Baby, I’m trying to keep peace” and “You know I hardly get sleep. Trying to make sure we all eat” reminisce on the artist’s money struggles. At the same time, they address how these worries have impacted his mental state. Clearly, he’s not alone, as most of his listeners can relate to his struggles. With the melodic elements and this touching personal exploration, Gray discovers the less-pleasant conversations of life. Still, it reminds us we aren’t alone in them either. So, stream Gray’s “Out My Mind” to learn how money can make us all crazy.
Chicago based writer and creative. Fan of 80’s horror, fancy coffee drinks, and late night drives.