Ash Noremac
A hip-hop tune with a mind-bending blend of beats.
London-based musical creative, Ash Noremac, is an up-and-coming rapper and songwriter. Throughout his career, the Jamaica native has collaborated with house producers and graphic designers to create stunning work. Some of the rapper’s previous work includes tracks like “First Photo,” “Emerald,” and “Who am I.” As he continues on his musical journey, Noremac is constantly growing as an artist. The difference between where he started and where he is now is paramount. Noremac’s discography is available on Spotify and SoundCloud. One of his most recent drops is the hip-hop single “Interstate.”
“Interstate” offers an immersive blend of ultra-trippy beats to perfectly complement its captivating reflection. At the same time, it explains what too much of a good thing can look like, as well as what will happen if we let pleasure rule. Lyrics like “I chase so many highs they started growing on the interstate” command plenty of attention thanks to the artist’s unwavering deliveries. They also leave us with a certainty that we are not going to continue just for the sake of enjoying ourselves. With ear-pleasing fusions of distorted tones, Ash Noremac gifts us an attention-grabbing hip-hop joint that truly shows off the rapper’s unique style. So, press play below and take a ride on the “Interstate.”
Chicago based writer and creative. Fan of 80’s horror, fancy coffee drinks, and late night drives.