DaBaby Has Created A Great Thanksgiving Hack

DaBaby might need to trademark this s**t.

Trust me, I’ve already seen all of your Thanksgiving plates. Everybody’s turkey looks the same. Also, everybody’s mac and cheese looks good as heck, so I have no complaints there. That said, on IG, DaBaby just showed off something I haven’t seen in all my years of living (at least the years that I can remember): a turkey egg roll!

Laziness contributes to a significant amount of Thanksgiving food wastage, mainly due to the challenge of reheating various sides separately. DaBaby seems to have found a solution to this dilemma.

While I personally wouldn’t mix certain foods, creating an eggroll with black-eyed peas, rice, collard greens, and turkey sounds good. However, if someone decides to make an eggroll out of Mac and cheese, turkey, stuffing, and candied yams, I might have to consider it a culinary offense worthy of citizen arrest.

What do you think of DaBaby’s Thanksgiving eggrolls?

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