Rating: 3.5 out of 5.Yes, YNW Melly is still fighting a murder charge. While in jail, he hasn’t been able to release music at the pace he likely desires. However, he continues to put out new music. Today, a fresh track featuring Melly, YNW BSlime, and Jit4 Stan has been released on streaming services.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: YNW Melly ranks among the greatest rap singers ever. His voice carries weight, and I admire the passion he infuses into his performances, often evoking a timeless quality with his melodies. In “Save Me,” Melly delivers another compelling vocal display. Set against a backdrop of dramatic beats and haunting piano notes, his soulful delivery captivates, blurring the line between a figure named Demons and an angelic presence. YNW BSlime and Jit4 Stan complement Melly’s contribution with their own raw and introspective verses.
It’s crazy how the hardest rappers make the most heartfelt music these days.
Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.