Libby Whitehouse Gives Us Her “Sweetest Revenge”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Pretty people could be petty, too.

Libby Whitehouse is an absolutely fascinating artist from Brighton. Why do I say this? Well, for starters, she has an amazing voice. Secondly, her bold personality shines through in most of the tracks she releases, which I believe makes her a very relatable artist.

While Libby Whitehouse’s catalog isn’t extensive on streaming services, based on the singles she has available, you can tell she has “it.” Another single that confirms this is her latest, “Sweetest Revenge.”

In “Sweetest Revenge,” Libby Whitehouse makes it clear to her ex: they blew it. Specifically, she mentions how this person changed her for the worst, and now that she’s away from them, she’s living life freely. She also reminds them how good she’s looking nowadays.

“Sweetest Revenge” will feel like an explosion to your ears. The track begins with a gentle build-up, only to transform into a powerful pop-rock anthem, exuding an undeniable edge. Libby’s vocals soar to new heights, effortlessly blending with the dynamic instrumentation, creating an electrifying synergy. With her assertive lyrics, this song becomes a cathartic release for anyone grappling with the aftermath of a breakup.

I need songs like this in my life daily.

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