
A heart-tugging indie pop tune that’ll have you experiencing a whirlwind of emotions.
Canadian artist Avry is known for his multi-talented approach to music. His previous releases include tracks like “Nerds Rope,” “Fabrics,” “Run Into Me,” “Call Me On Your Way,” and “Winter.” With an undeniable passion for creating his music, Avry shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. His latest release is the indie pop single “Push Me ‘Til I Break.”
With its feel-good blend of ear-pleasing guitar and infectious beats, “Push Me ‘Til I Break” offers an uplifting backdrop that beautifully complements the song’s intimate exploration. Lyrics like “You used to talk so much of the time, while I step a little over the line” and “The shell is only part of a lie, inside is where reality hides” reveal Avry’s vulnerable reflections on internal struggles and feeling pushed beyond his limits. Fueled by a soft, soul-stirring soundscape and a heartfelt, relatable narrative, Avry delivers a heart-tugging indie pop tune that will evoke a whirlwind of emotions. Press play and experience why Avry is feeling the pressure on “Push Me ‘Til I Break.”
Chicago based writer and creative. Fan of 80’s horror, fancy coffee drinks, and late night drives.