The Internet’s Biggest Music Mystery is Finally Solved

A 17 year long mystery has been solved!

“The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet” sure has a lot of intrigue to it. It began in the 1980s with a cassette tape recording of a song from a radio station, and it was exposed to the public in 2007 when Reddit user bluuely asked the world what this song, recorded by her brother, was.

There were many unknown songs on my brother’s tapes,” Bluuely stated about the song. “Most of them were solved within a couple of days or weeks because many radio DJs used to play their fav songs more than only once. When the song in question got aired again, my brother mostly was able to get the band and the title. He thought (or let’s say, hoped) it would be the same with this song. But as we all know, this time it didn’t happen.”

Many others have joined the search, the mysterious song even getting a subreddit of its own, which is dedicated to finding out the name of the song and the band who made it. However, last week, the search seems to finally have come to an end.

Reddit user marijn1412 was going through some old newspapers when they spotted an article about a band named FEX from Kiel, Germany, from September 1984. Recognizing one of the band members (Michael Hädrich) from another band Marijn was in, he contacted his friend asking if he still had old material, and from there the song was found, titled “Subways of Your Mind!” The band was unaware that their song was the subject of an intense search and reportedly plans to reunite to re-record the song for modern streaming services.

Doing a mini song review here, this song was one that really clicked with me, as I have a fondness for 80s pop music, especially the very funky european ones. I hope the subways of my mind makes a pitstop on Spotify soon.

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