Skepta and PlaqueBoyMax Deliver Heat With “LESS IS MORE”

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Skepta saw red when he recorded this track, didn’t he?

PlaqueBoyMax is bringing back the raw essence of hip-hop, and the industry is taking notice. Over the past few weeks, he’s been seen crafting records with major artists like Wiz Khalifa and DDG, solidifying himself as a go-to producer for those looking to tap into his signature sound. The latest artist to team up with him? UK rap legend Skepta. Together, they’ve cooked up a blazing new track, “LESS IS MORE.”

Skepta absolutely blacks out on this one. Backed by a hypnotic PlaqueBoyMax beat, he delivers razor-sharp bars about his street ties, luxurious lifestyle, and always being ready for war. His relentless flow and aggressive delivery make this one of his hungriest performances in a while. And, of course, his signature “twww” ad-lib only adds to the energy. If you’re a hardcore rap fan, this is a must-listen.

Skepta sounds like he got it out of 7-feet worth of mud when he raps.

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Skepta saw red when he recorded this track, didn't he?
An irresistible pop gem that's ready to claim your heart. 

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