You know I love all music submittals in any genre, age, or blood type, and this is one submittal that I had to put on my jazz glasses for and get to work!
Melvin Fromm Jr. is a extremely talented guy that specializes in creativity and imagination, providing a wide variety of sounds that reach out to music fans everywhere. With these three new tracks, I look to not only have a musical epiphany, but to also be thoroughly satisfied.
‘Seems to Pan Out’ immediately starts with this relaxing/soothing fusion of jazz; you get these light piano notes, you get these drums that is as gentle as you need it to be, and most importantly, an absolutely infectious trumpet contribution! If your ears could ever be massaged, this would be the masseuse.
You know what this track reminds me of? Walking into that really expensive restaurant that has the live crab floating around in the fish tank, and every waiter/waitress dressed up in cheap tuxedos. It just sounds like the music of a perfect place to tell your wife that she’s the most special person in the world, and that the new child that she found out you fathered on Maury was a one time mistake.
If you know me, you know one of my top 5 movies of all time is ‘Back to the Future 2’, and this song reminds me a bit of the theme song that Huey and The News made for the movie called ‘Back In Time’. To me, the song has the same elements as ‘Back In Time’: The exuberant pianos, the uplifting vibe, the perfect symmetry between all members involved… Gosh guys, I’m feeling like Marty McFly as we speak! Who wants to go back in time with me and steal some discontinued products? I’ll start with Sprite Remix!
I feel like ‘love birds plan for love is a combination of ‘Fun Fools Gold Life Style’ and ‘Seems to Pan out’. On this song, you get treated to a kick ass violin, combined with some unadulterated drums. You can tell that the track was meant to tap into some hidden emotions, which manifests itself into an all the way real crying fest. It’s a rollercoaster throughout, and you are forced to put up with it.
While I received just a small sample size from Melvin, I think what I heard was enough to determine that the timeless sound that is exhibited through these three tracks will have the power to resonate to a huge group of individuals like I that love music. What the music does really well is tap into individuals emotions with their effective use of instruments (i.e. the fun/energetic side with ‘Fun Fools Gold Style Life’, and the romantic side with ‘Seems to Pan out’.); Their sound is accommodating, and just as much enjoyable as it is relatable.
Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.