Caleb Sanchez is this talented guitarist that typically combines both his soothing vocals with phenomenal guitar play on his songs. With Caleb deciding to do a cover to ‘Prisoner’ by Ryan Adams, you get a chance to hear him impose his will on this beautifully written song.
The first thing that sticks out to me with this track is its vibe: As soon as the song starts, you are treated to this calming sound that immediately puts you in this sobering mood. With the original version being a little more upbeat, it is pretty unique to hear a version that is a bit more heartfelt.
Caleb has a very youthful voice, and when you combine that with his tremendous guitar play, you almost get this teen-spirited/’huddle around the campfire and sing with your buddies’ type feel (I know that’s an interesting description, but you get it right?). All in all, this track would be the perfect song to hear if you want to mellow out for the day.
I’m looking forward to hearing more from Caleb!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.