Novel ‘Hooly’ The Goat is prepping to release ‘Welcome to Hoolyville’, an album that has a good mix of commercial tracks, club hits, and street anthems. With these two new singles off the album, Novel gives us a glance at how good he is at making records for the hood too.
YAYA (4.5/5)
‘YaYa’ is not a dedication to the sexy YaYa Decosta, instead its a dedication to the hood and all the soldiers that is ready to go to war whenever it’s called for.
One thing I like about Novel’s style is that he is able to get gutter whenever it’s called for. On ‘YaYa’, Novel creates this catchy ass hook that comes across as this rallying cry for the hood, making sure that listeners can be apart of his movement.
On the verses, Novel shows off his violent ways, rapping in this heinous way. The punchlines, the wordplay, and the flow that Novel uses on this song fits the darkness of the beat, making it one of the more gangsta tracks on this album.
MONSTA (4.5/5)
Much like ‘YaYa’, ‘Monsta’ has this army-like sound to it, as Novel talks some very tough s–t over the heavy-hitting beat. Throughout the song, Novel shows that he’s not one to mess with, letting the people know all the violent acts he’s capable of performing if tested. Not only is his approach pretty aggressive, but Novel is also able to create this sound that I believe can garner some commercial appeal.
Rappers aren’t making tracks like these.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.