Black Eyed Peas are also for the culture, people!
There’s three things you should come to expect in your life these days: Death, taxes and a Black Eyed Peas hit record. Their latest one has them channeling their inner Nas, as they rap about politics, the f**ked up mindset of our culture and drug usage. Each rapper in the group spits with the exact urgency the song needs, while Fergie gives the pop fans of the world the perfect hook that they can sulk in. The combination of the two sounds is excellent, and in my opinion, I think this is BEP’s best song in a couple of years.
Yall realize that Black Eyed Peas are going about 21 years strong?

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.