I wish I never pressed play on this song…
I’m not 100% opposed to Bow Wow singing, but when he lays down vocals the way he does on “Wish I Never Met Her,” I second guess my feelings towards it.. Don’t get me wrong, the topic that powers the song is magnificent, as it revolves around stumbling across a b*tch so bad that you start acting out of character and s**t, but frfr, it’s his sloppy crooning that turns me off about this song. At times, he sounds muddled, coming across like a n***a with a virus, and as for the rest of the time, he sounds straight up confused, not knowing how to effectively lay his notes down. s**t, singing ain’t for everybody…
This song is just dumb and predictable.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.