Juice WRLD, go home, you’re drunk!
Juice WRLD is one of many young artists in the game that don’t mind spilling their guts out when they make music. Sometimes the end-result can be good, and sometimes it can be bad; “Robbery” is an example of the latter.
“Robbery” is a form of emo-rap that is all over the place. First and foremost, it is powered by this piano-heavy yet bass boomin’ instrumental that seems to be going through the motions. Over this instrumental, Juice WRLD goes belligerent, singing daringly about misplaced love, evolving personalities and over-drinking. While I like the idea behind the song, I can’t quite get down with the musicality of it.
Please don’t tell me bratty rap is the new black…

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.