Don Q & A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie Join Forces In “Make Me Wanna” (Review & Stream)

When I think of rap sex symbols, Don Q is the first that comes to mind.

With the stench of Valentine’s day in the air, a lot of artists have decided to take advantage by dropping new lovey-dovey music. No, not Usher or Keith Sweat, more like tough ass rappers such as Nipsey Hussle and Casanova. Another one of those tough ass rappers that decided to partake in the festivities is Don Q.

Don Q, along with A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, decided to drop a smooth jam called “U Make Me Wanna” today. On it, Q keeps s**t real, rapping ruggedly about trying to pursue some chick he’s feeling a lot. As for A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, he plays Q’s melodic support on the hook, providing the song with something commercial rap fans can feel. All in all, I f**k with the song’s old school vibes, and definitely enjoy the chemistry between both rappers on it.

This song reminds me of some old school DMX s**t.



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