Tough On Fridays Heat Things Up On “Summer”


The favored alternative rock duo from Georgetown, Texas crank out a new single.

One thing Tough On Fridays don’t lack is self-awareness; in fact, they might be a little tough on themselves on “Summer.”

“Summer” is an anthem about knowing your flaws, holding yourself accountable for said flaws, yet still failing to garner appreciation for your efforts. The line, “I’m so sorry for everything that I am,” is repeated throughout the song, as well as, “under-appreciated and barely noticed at all.” Anyone who has tried to better themselves and fallen short of others’ expectations (most of us) can relate to the message behind “Summer.”

This song is not all gloom and doom, however. Given the sunny disposition of the name of the song, it’s easy to expect a bright light-hearted tune, but that is not what Tough On Fridays were going for here.  All the same, as dark as it may seem, “Summer” does have a happy ending. The girls take their losses on the chin and press on, singing, “oh well, she’ll be just fine!”

Check out Tough On Fridays’ latest single above or stream it on Spotify.





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