PnB Rock & Tee Grizzley Join Forces For “Go To Mars”

PnB Rock is one of the few light skin dudes that I believe will actually do something to you.

Pnb Rock is a cold muthaf**ka! In his music, he often talks about his savage ways, despite the fact that his sentiments are usually let out through some pretty passionate vocal performances. In “Go To Mars,” his latest single, he stays true to his persona, delivering this hard-hitting banger that features reckless lyrics aimed at the thotties of the world, in addition to ballin’ ass sentiments evil-doers like myself should all strive to chase.

Tee Grizzley is featured on “Go To Mars,” and in my opinion, he fits the fast-paced/bass boomin’ instrumental that powers it. Additionally, I love how he hits us with nothing but witty raps, teasing his foes and splurging with the best of them throughout his verse.

PnB Rock looks like a light skin backyard that hasn’t been mowed in three weeks.




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