GoldLink Continues To Shine With “Joke Ting”

GoldLink is on fire!

For me, personally, my opinion on GoldLink has come a long way. When I first heard him, I thought he was a good rapper that wasn’t capable of making a complete record. Well, I was completely wrong, because in the last couple of months, he’s made hit after hit after hit. Today, the DMV native decided to bless us with yet another gem, making me look like the music blogger version of Skip Bayless.

“Joke Ting” is colorful, fun and summery. With the song boasting this vibrant instrumental, featured guest Ari PenSmith kills s**t by gifting us with this gleeful vocal performance, while GoldLink adds some gutter to the song by delivering a few tongue-twisting verses that even your iPhone’s voice recognition will have trouble deciphering. Despite the differences in styles, the tandem do a great job of being on the same page when it comes to booking the baddest of chicks and coming across as the coolest individual since Stefan.

I’m calling off of work when GoldLink’s “Dispora” album releases.



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