AR Base Recruits a Few Legends To Provide A Much Needed Musical Experience


AR Base has something special brewing for us!

Great news everyone!…The talented and soulful songster by the name of AR Base is gearing up to deliver his latest offering to lending ears! What makes this upcoming song of his different from his last go-round you ask? (GOOD QUESTION) Well, he will be teaming up with Grammy award winning producer and legend – Andrew Gouché. Some of you may be familiar with Gouché’s title as “The Godfather of Gospel Bass”!

Also joining this ensemble is the Grammy award winning drummer, Calvin Rodgers and the lead guitarist named Jabari Johnson, who has made a name for himself through his affiliations to Bishop T.D. Jake’s, The Potter’s House! And last but certainly not least, AR Base is sure to provide his much needed distinct vocals and songwriting that should not disappoint!

Wheeewww! I hope everyone understands how legendary of an effort that AR Base is planning to release to the world. With this type of talent, it’s really tough to call this a song, so we’ll call this an EXPERIENCE!

AR Base hopes to restore the feeling and faith to a world that is in need of a spiritual boost! We will be waiting patiently for a release date and so should you 🙂

Check out the press release on his website!

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I knew this song was gonna be good when I saw the Brandy sample.
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