Tory is in the hall-of-fame of s**t talking.
Personally, I enjoy Tory when he’s on his melodic s**t, but that definitely doesn’t mean I don’t respect his mic skills when he decides to drop bars. In “Melee,” the Toronto native delivers something heinous, as on his verses, he takes shots at individuals that are not balling like him, while also indulging in the baddest of chicks and abundances of W’s. While I f**k with the steady flow that Tory raps with on this song, it’s his ability to piss you off with his pointless gloating that will catch your attention the most.
Tory talks like he’s the greatest individual since Moses (SMH). N***a, walk on water and gather two of every animal THEN I will be impressed!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.