Lil Skies’ stock might just sky rocket with this banger! (OK, I’ll stop with the corny s**t)
You know what I find interesting about Lil Skies? He has a very timid side to him, but also has a tough ass side, too. In “Going Off,” listeners are treated to the latter, as the Pennsylvania rapper does a fantastic job of playing bully and antagonist through some steady flows and trill/carefree lyrics on this song. Aside from that, the track has tons of energy attached to it, all led by this bass boomin’ instrumental that damn-there slapped my soul in the ass.
Lil Skies is a hit-making scarecrow that’s come to life (He looks like a scarecrow, right?)!

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.