Mr MooQ always brightens up a room with his vibrant music.
I genuinely love Mr MooQ’s music. I believe his spirit is amazing, the instrumentals he usually sings over are highly energetic, and lyrically, he does a great job of engaging with listeners. In “Good Luck With That,” his latest single, he absolutely shines, gifting us with this extremely fun track that meshes together both Synth-Pop and EDM-Lite vibes.
I’m not going to lie, I danced my butt off listening to “Good Luck With That!” The tempo it gives off is too infectious to pass up. Aside from that, I enjoy MooQ’s exuberance on this track, as he sings gleefully about no longer playing the puppet of an individual that doesn’t seem to treat him right. Since we can all relate to the topic this song gives off, I believe it will end up being dear to your heart after you listen to it.
Mr MooQ is definitely my idol.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.
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Thanks Quincy for your amazing words and kindness! More to come!