Jacquees is so good, he can make me listen to a song with LilGotIt & Lil Keed voluntarily.
I don’t think Jacquees makes bad songs. Not only do I believe he puts up some of the best R&B performances on this planet when he’s on, but I also believe he has a good understanding of what today’s ADHD generation f**ks with. In my opinion, there is no better example of what Jacquees brings to the game than “Hot For Me.”
In “Hot For Me,” you get something silky smooth and sexy-sounding, but something that is also trill and unapologetic. Jacquees doesn’t provide both sounds all by his lonesome, as LilGotIt and Lil Keed help him out by providing the song with some pretty erratic-sounding verses, but in the end of the day, Jacquees is clearly the star/architect of all the good you hear on this joint.
I refuse to have a song with LilGotIt and Lil Keed in my iTunes music library…

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.