Charles Ham & Ducey Gold Say They Are “READY OR NOT”


Charles Ham & Ducey Gold

Charles Ham and Ducey Gold might be two of the coolest dudes on planet Earth.

Charles Ham and Ducey Gold are two musicians from North Carolina that have bright futures. When I listen to them spit bars, the first thing that comes to my mind is how easy s**t sounds for them. Like, it literally sounds like they are on cruise control in their songs. With that being said, recently, the duo joined forces for a new record called “READY OR NOT.” In it, their chemistry is so good, I can’t tell who is who.

“READY OR NOT” is powered by this smooth-ass beat that will definitely calm your nerves. Over it, Charles Ham and Ducey Gold shine by hitting us with nothing but dynamic flows and melodic raps that are infectious as hell. As for lyrically, I love how they establish their dominance by letting us know how much money they are making, how much they’ve grown since high school, and how fun they find shutting their competition. If you’re new to the two rappers, I think this song serves as the perfect introduction to who they are.

Give “READY OR NOT” a shot below.

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