Latto Drops “Put It On Da Floor”

Put It On Da Floor


Latto’s carefree ways are exposed in this song.

Latto is a star. With that being said, I love that she still raps with a chip on her shoulder. Seriously, after dropping the very commercial-sounding “Big Energy,” she could’ve easily started chasing pop tart money; instead, she’s appearing on tough-ass songs like “Don’t Play Wit It” with Lola Brooke. Today, Latto decided to return to the music scene with yet another gritty banger called “Put It On Da Floor.”


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In “Put On Da Floor,” as expected, Latto talks her s**t early and often. Over a beat that is on some trap Mortal Kombat s**t, she uses an aggressive rap style to put her competition in their places. She also brags about her bankroll and undeniable fame. Though the song sounds like a glorified freestyle, the hook is catchy enough to turn a club upside down.

Latto is never not talking s**t.

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