Rating: 3 out of 5.

I’m still not convinced that Majid Jordan is two people.

Doesn’t it feel like certain Canadian acts were left in 2019? These days, folks don’t talk about Roy Woods, PARTYNEXTDOOR, or DVSN nearly enough. Majid Jordan is another Canadian act that has seemed to play the background as of late. The good news is this: It looks like they are back on their grind. A few weeks ago, they returned to the music scene with a new track called “Waiting For You.” Yesterday, they dropped a brand-new single called “Hands Tied.”

“Hands Tied” revolves around discovering a unique individual who can positively transform your mood and ignite your physical desires. The song is subtle and alluring, reminiscent of something Majid Jordan might craft while covertly tucked under a bed. Ultimately, the intoxicating vocals, the lively tempo, and the lyrical content that flirts with poetic elements stand out in the track.

Give “Hands Tied” by Majid Jordan a shot below.


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