Rating: 5 out of 5.
This is one of the deepest questions I’ve ever heard.
Let me blow your mind really quick: Sea Girls consists of four guys. Once you get past the slight confusion, you’ll realize they are absolutely awesome. Not only do I love the chemistry they share, but I also think they create music that is complex, stirring, and powerful.
Recently, Sea Girls dropped an album called Midnight Butterflies, featuring twelve tracks. One of the standout songs is “Does Only God Know That We’re Lonely?”
“Does Only God Know That We’re Lonely?” is a mesmerizing track. First and foremost, it boasts an invigorating instrumental that, once it blooms, gives us vibes that feel replenishing. Complementing this instrumental is an invigorating vocal performance that pairs perfectly with the lyrics, which revolve around masking true feelings and holding onto unrealistic hope regarding relationships. Overall, this track will resonate with anyone in a relationship that must end.
Give “Does Only God Know That We’re Lonely?” a shot below.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.