Absoloot – The Truth (Ft. The Captain) (Reviews & Stream)


Absoloot is my candidate to replace Luke Cage if he dies in season 3 – His passion combined with his aggressive bars is bad ass super hero like.

The production on this song has a very old school sound to it, and the style that Absoloot is rapping with compliments that sound very well. Bar after bar, Absoloot pours out his heart about racism, the crooked law, and human inequality; everything about his rhymes sound authentic, which translates well to people that agree with his messages.  Even if you aren’t a fan of Absoloots conscience content, you have to enjoy his outstanding wordplay; he twists up words like a pro, reminding us that rap can be a super power too.

The song finishes off with an unapologetic poem by The Captain, in which he sums up everything Absoloot was saying, but more heinously.

politics being discussed in rap is making a comeback!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jackie Robinson

    Great article/review of this amazing song that is speaking volumes of truths that are happening currently in our society. Absoloot and The Captain is shedding light on topics that need more light placed on them.

    1. The Widows Peak Bandit

      Thank You! Absoloot definitely brought some knowledge on some issues that a good number of people are relating too as of late. For him to present it in a way that was musically efficient was impressive to me!

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