Much like myself, Just Rich Gates is a dude that appreciates himself a real bad b–tch in his life. With this song called ‘Bad Bitxh Anthem’, Just Rich Gates made a homage track that is sure to get the clubs jumpin’, and the women feeling good about themselves.
I haven’t heard a good bad bitxh anthem like this in a while! Everything about the song is explosive, especially Just Rich Gates energy on the chorus. You’ll find the hook to be very catchy, and might jump around rapping it wherever you are.
Just Rich Gates raps with this impressive flow on his verses, dropping several boastful lines about the bad chicks he has in his catalog. His lyrics are on some boss s–t, as he reminds listeners that his trill lifestyle attracts the best talent out there. Overall, I like the grittiness of his verse.
Spiiker has the second verse, and he approaches the song with more of a melodic approach than Just Rich Gates. While his part is short, it still adds this dynamic sound to the already amped up song.
This is one of those tough tracks that both genders are going to love.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.