Can you hate on anyone that started from scratch then became successful? Reem Ali and Po Hussle are two examples of this humbling experience, and decided to drop this anthem dedicated to all the individuals in the streets that hustle by any means.
The passion on this song is inevitable to me, as you get this highly melodic hook from Poe that perfectly describes how much he wants to get to the money. All of his lyrics on the hook sound authentic to me, telling me there’s no games when it comes to his hustle.
Reems verse is just as passionate as the hook, as he further explains his path to success. His flow is pretty impressive, as he shifts gears with throughout. I personally think his verses were flawless, mainly because I feel like he approached the track exactly how a hustler should. Also, I enjoy his aggressive approach, as he throws shots at the individuals that are hustling backwards.
This song is tough, motivational, and passionate…. what else do y’all need from a rap track?
Make sure you check out their full album above.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.