Lizzo was talking crazy about music reviewers, so I’m not going to admit her s**t is fire.
Lizzo is a name that is steadily poppin’ in the music industry. I believe her brash style is something people enjoy listening to, especially when it comes in the form of pop music. In “Blame It On Love,” a new single she has with Charli XCX, both artists were able to give us a traditional top 40-sounding hit that features a high-octane instrumental, a pretty infectious contribution by Charli, and a ratchet ass verse by Lizzo. The combination is explosive.
I’m sorry, but Lizzo sounds like that one token black person they put in movies to provide ghetto comic relief.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.