Timbaland’s “Fickie Fickie Fickie” needed to be heard by generation Z.
It feels like Joyner Lucas’ upcoming “ADHD” album was announced before the first moon landing. Seriously, I’ve heard over 6-7 singles from the album already, yet it still hasn’t come out. With that being said, “10 Bands,” his latest single off of it, is the weirdest, as it features a bunch of random ass topics by Joyner and a beat by Timbaland that sounds like it was made in the glass and pet section of Target. In my opinion, the song never feels serious, but it does showcase Joyner’s ability to spit over a very unorthodox setup. Well, enjoy!
Joyner Lucas raps with a Tostitos sized chip on his shoulder.

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.