DRAM, H.E.R. & watt Unite For “The Lay Down”

How much do you wanna bet that DRAM is actually 75 years old? (That n***a has an old soul, to me)

I’ma keep it straight with you: “The Lay Down” is weird. What you will hear when you press play on it is a really old school/smooth instrumental and fearless singing by both H.E.R. and DRAM about them wanting to get the sexing in a dusty ass room. While a good chunk of the song sounds like some serious s**t, I can honestly say I didn’t take it completely seriously until H.E.R. started singing on her part. Nonetheless, I believe the vibes the song gives off are infectious, romantic, and sexy as hell!

Ya’ll think I will be able to add this song to my bedroom playlist?



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