How much do you wanna bet that DRAM is actually 75 years old? (That n***a has an old soul, to me)
I’ma keep it straight with you: “The Lay Down” is weird. What you will hear when you press play on it is a really old school/smooth instrumental and fearless singing by both H.E.R. and DRAM about them wanting to get the sexing in a dusty ass room. While a good chunk of the song sounds like some serious s**t, I can honestly say I didn’t take it completely seriously until H.E.R. started singing on her part. Nonetheless, I believe the vibes the song gives off are infectious, romantic, and sexy as hell!
Ya’ll think I will be able to add this song to my bedroom playlist?

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.