Ashanti & Afro B Joins Forces For “Pretty Little Thing”


This song is a disgrace to Nigerian culture.

We’ve gotten some really good African music this year, but at the same time, we’ve gotten some duds, too. In my opinion, “Pretty Little Thing” falls in the latter category.

“Pretty Little Thing” features this lazy ass afro-beats instrumental, and over this instrumental, Ashanti and Afro B go back and forth on some African lovey-dovey s**t. While the track is hella catchy overall (Especially on the hook), Ashanti’s contributions to it are damn-there pitiful, as she tries to hit notes she’s incapable of hitting throughout. Matter of fact, if you took the former Murder Inc. princess off of the track, I think it would actually be a hit.

I hate when artists want to follow a music trend because it’s poppin…



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