Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

I’ve had a change of heart about Ken Carson. Just a few months back, I wasn’t feeling his music much, but after listening to his latest project, A Great Chaos, my opinion has shifted. Despite some of his songs having seizure-inducing qualities, I now appreciate the high energy, innovative rap styles, and rebellious spirit he brings to them. Today, Carson returned to the music scene with a new single titled “Overseas.”

In “Overseas,” Ken Carson talks s**t early and often. Specifically, he delves into his significant impact on the culture, his notable rise to prominence, the badass women he’s involved with, and, of course, his adventures abroad. What initially captivated me about the track was its beat—it has this trunk-rattling sound that gets you pumped up. Another highlight is Ken’s frenetic rap style. That s**t makes it seem like he recorded his verse on a rollercoaster.

Can Ken Carson make that leap to superstardom?

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