Rating: 5 out of 5.
A truly touching pop tune that reminds us of the lengths we’d go to for the person we love most.
Multi-talented Avry is an artist whose distinctive style shines through in every one of his unique creations. Some of his previous releases include “Fabrics,” “Run Into Me,” “Call Me On Your Way,” and “Winter.” With a clear passion for creating music, Avry shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. His latest drop is the indie pop single “Nerds Rope.”
With a soul-stirring blend of mood-enhancing instrumentals, “Nerds Rope” delivers the perfect transformative backdrop that mirrors the ever-changing emotions of matters of the heart. Lyrics like “Why don’t you walk, The same way the wind blows, Only you know” and “Your mother says you’re special, But she doesn’t know you, Like I do” offer a heartfelt tale of craving the affection of that special someone. Fueled by its heart-tugging narrative and passion-filled vocals, Avry gifts us with a truly touching pop tune that reminds us of the lengths we’d go to for the person we love most. So press play and get a taste of the sweet and sour moments of unrequited romance with “Nerds Rope.”
Chicago based writer and creative. Fan of 80’s horror, fancy coffee drinks, and late night drives.