Ab Soul – Do What Thou Wilt (Album Review)

Ab Soul is one of the top rappers out right now (And I won’t budge on that stance!): His wordplay, combined with this understanding of catching the listeners ears with knowledge that refuses to tip-toe on controversial topics is something that needs to be heard by rap fans everywhere. While I think that his underrated stature in the game is something he rather have, I do think more and more rap fans are getting word of his style, and are very excited about this release; will he deliver under these new circumstances?



I like ‘Invocation’s riveting sound, as Ab raps over this scattered beat that contains saxophones, heavy drums, and chilling piano notes.

While other rappers may approach politics and religion with safety goggles, Ab is extremely unapologetic in his approach on this song. Though I think he’s being a bit sarcastic about his viewpoints, I do think its a lot more light harder to me than the other songs on this album.

4. RAW

‘RAW’ is a helluva intro right? Ab gives you this warning that he’s back, and that the competition that we were listening to earlier is about to take a backseat to a talented rapper.

I love how Ab finds the time to curse out Jay Electronica on the song! That old ass hater needed a few bars thrown at him for a while now, and Ab decided to take that duty on.

I also love Abs flow on this track! Haven’t you heard it before? It’s Drakes flow from ‘6 Man’….Remember the song where he kept saying that n—a Lou Williams name?


Bas and Ab-Soul are very similar rappers: They both like to write wise lyrics, but at the same time have this ability to absolutely rap circles around anyone who wants it; they are also the bodyguards for two of the best rappers in the game right now.

This song has a very herky-jerky sound to it, which is good, because it allows both rappers to get off some sick ass flows on it. Ab has the first verse, and he provides some really good animation. I feel like his braggadocios style on this song is meant to make any baller sit on the nearest couch to them.

In terms of his delivery, Bas approaches the song a little less animated than Ab; lyrically, his content is just as tough though, as he’s hitting you with some aggressive bars throughout. What impresses me the most about this verse is that Bas never allows the beat to rush his flow, instead he puts the wild beat on a leash. BTW, doesn’t Bas have the voice of a superstar rapper?

Isn’t this a good ass collaboration? 2 different styles, but sorta the same type of underdog rapper?


‘The Law’ is a feel good song by Ab that features Mac Miller and the very talented Rapsody.

You really don’t have to listen to the words to enjoy this song, you can just enjoy it for its joyous sound; If you do decide to listen to the words, you will be treated to a poetic treat that comes across as very organic to me.

Ab opens up the song with a (dare I say) charming verse, that provides us with a glimpse of sunshine on an otherwise dark album. (What’s the catch Ab? Why you being all sentimental on this song?)

I think Mac Miller sounds great on songs like this! Something about his inebriated-like delivery gives off this crazily in love sound that works for the songs tone.

Isn’t Rapsody a phenomenal rapper? Her words always resonates with me, despite the fact that she typically raps in a dull way; That means her words are that powerful.

It’s a great collaboration all-together.

1. D.R.U.G.S.

‘D.R.U.G.S’ is a spiritual journey in the form of a song by Ab-Soul. It seems like Ab is finally realizing that he has this addiction to drugs, and he seems a bit conflicted about it.

The vibe of the song is a bit complex to me: It has a depressing tone to it, but at the same time has a very infectious bop; it has a very amped up delivery from Ab on his verses, but discusses some serious issues content-wise…. This might be the first song that makes me cry while dancing in the club.

This song is clearly special.


1. RAW (4.7/5)

2. BRAILLE (4.9/5)
3. HUEY KNEW THEN (4.5/5)
5. WOMANGAMY (4.7/5)
6. INVOCATION (4.7/5)
7. WIFEY VS. WIFI (4.7/5)

8. BEAT THE CASE (4.8/5)
10. GOD’S A GIRL (3.8/5)
11. NOW YOU KNOW (4/5)
12. D.R.U.G.S (5/5)
13. EVIL GENIUS (3.7/5)
15. THE LAW (4.9/5)
16. YMF (4.5/5)



Never judge a book by its cover. At first glance, you would think that Ab was this gangsta rapper that glamorized guns, and would provide just another ignorant body of work that we can get brainwashed into; news flash, he’s not! Instead, Ab provides one of the most intelligent efforts I’ve heard from a rapper in a while. On some songs, Ab shows his viewpoints through clever indirect ways, and on others his viewpoints are as blunt as it gets. He doesn’t care if he offends or is controversial, he’s going to do what he feels, and we are forced to respect it.

Though the topics can be a bit overwhelming at times (GOD’s a girl?) The music is never compromised or too weird to relate to. On this album, Ab picks beats that are modern, and raps with the same appealing style that your favorite rappers of today utilize.

While I provided you with my top 5 songs from the album, the only way you would fully enjoy this album is if you listen to each and every song one by one.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Billie Jean

    yo this the best TDE released to drop this year!! I love this tape

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