2 Chainz Hops On A Remix To Arians Grande’s “7 rings” (Review & Stream)


7 CHAINZ! (That’s way too much)

2 Chainz is one of the few rappers in the game that fits a song like “7 Rings.” I believe his style is quirky enough to go toe to toe with Ariana Grande’s persona on the original version of the song. Well today, Ariana decided to drop a remix to her smash hit with the ATL rapper, and the end result is a success. On his lone verse, Chainz mimics Ariana’s style of (whatever you want to call she’s doing on the song), proclaiming himself to be the best thing since sliced bread in the bed, streets and rap game. Eventually, he uses more of a gritty approach, as he ends his contribution with an outline of all the money he has in his bank account. You know, the usual rap s**t…

Ariana is that n***a, even though her n***a card hasn’t been packaged for delivery yet.



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