Eve is back, guys! Stevie J, go back to hiding your ass in the closet.
When it comes to female rappers, Eve definitely makes my top 10 of all-time. Not only do I believe she has bars, but I also think she has this level of grit to her that allows her to never settle or succumb to the typical s**t other female rappers talk about. In “Reload,” her first single since 2013, the Philly native opts to go the reggae route, rapping trill and honestly about a washed up love over this dancehall-inspired instrumental.
Konshens is featured on “Reload,” and as expected, he adds an authentic reggae flavor to the track. Will you guys appreciate his contributions? Probably not, but f**k it, I will!
Ya’ll thought because Eve married a MaxiMillion Cooper that she was going to let up on hood vibes? Hell no! (Actually, being real with you, I thought she would)

Quincy is the creator of Ratings Game Music. He loves writing about music, taking long walks on beaches, and spaghetti that fights him back.