Nephew Sam Shows Off His Cold Side In “X Flex”

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Nephew Sam has absolutely no love for his ex, and I don’t blame him at all…

Nephew Sam is one of those hip-hop acts you have to pay close attention to. Despite looking like Paul George, he balls in a different way, dropping off hip-hop music that is both artistic and trill. In “X Flex,” Sam’s upcoming single, he delivers a hot ass anthem dedicated to all of the individuals that want to ball on their exes — even if it makes you look a bit petty in the process.

I’m not going to lie, I f**k with this song a lot! Not only do I enjoy how wicked/dark it sounds, but I also like the laid-back tone Nephew Sam raps with throughout (You can tell he knows he’s the s**t with every word he spews). With that being said, “X Flex” does revolve around making sure your ex knows how much your winning, so Nephew’s braggadocios bars about ballin’, pushing buttons and clapping back at his past chick definitely stood out to me the most here (S**t, if I made any type of ex diss track, it would sound just like this!).

“X Flex” will hit all major streaming services July 31st. Trust me, it’s a hot ass record!



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